Aftersensation of the sight can be simulated with an animation booklet. This is an easy activity to do with children - or you can amuse yourself, for example during the lessons, using the corners of your notebook. The target is to make a moving picture by using a pack of paper, pencils and something to attach the papers together with, for example staples. First you will need a story or an idea which can be as simple as a growing flower or a bouncing ball.
Here are step-by-step directions for creating an animation.
1. First cut the papers into small sheets. The maximum size is 10.5 x 14.5 cm, if you want to flip it with your thumb. Use a cutting knife and make sure that the sides are even. You will need approximately ten to twenty pages for creating a simple animation.
2. Draw the pictures close to either of the short edges of the paper. Draw the pictures in the same spot on each paper.
3. You will draw the story backwards by starting from the last page. This way it is easier to copy the previous image through the paper with a little variation.
4. Continue doing the same thing on each page.
5. Attach the pages together using a couple of staples, on the opposite edge of the papers.
6. Now your flip page animation is ready to be viewed.
7. Take a firm grip of the stapled side and use your other hand to flip the pages.
8. Enjoy your animation!
Useful tips:
Think simple. A stick man doing a cartwheel is an excellent topic. Don’t settle with black and white. Use colored pencils. Leave the top page blank and create a cover to your movie. Add at least five extra pages, between the cover and the first image sheet, so it is easier to flip the pages.
Written by Veera Antikainen and Timo Tamminen Photos: Veera Antikainen |