Häme Castle Children's Festival

is a celebration for children and families. The whole spectre of art is present in the international programmes which cover fields of theatre, puppet theatre, concerts, dance, exhibitions, films, workshops, history... This year's festival is celebrated on 30th of July - 4th of August 2002. The medieval Häme Castle and the Castle Park serve as the Festival centre. The Festival is extended to the blocks old woodhouses in the northeastern part of the city and often even to the City Theatre. The essence of Häme Castle Children's Festival is communication between children and art. Therefore, the Festival is a noncommercial one and the performances and happenings are often designed "in children's size" for an audience of a limited number Still the small brooks grow together into a powerful stream - the Festival is visited by more than 20 000 visitors every year. You will be able to order the brochure to your home by tel: +358 (0)3 621 2911 fax: +358 (0)3 621 2811 e-mail hll@hameenlinna.fi


Improve your creativity

Mari Messer. 2001. Pencil Dancing. F&W Publications.

Pencil Dancing is a book written by Mari Messer who is a writer and PR consultant and who also designs and facilitates workshops on creativity, writing and art. It is a guide for writers and artists of all kinds on how to unleash their creativity.

Messer has written down her thougts about creativity In a humoristic way. She has also designed many interesting exercises for learning to use your creativity in the best possible way. Besides that Pencil Dancing is a useful guidebook, it is also great fun to read. There are also brilliant quotes about creativity, or "seed thoughts" as Messer calls them, in the pages´ marginal

Piritta Majamäki


Social Capital and Citizenship - adult learning and the future of humanity
5 - 7 June 2002 Helsinki, Finland
Fifth international LLine conference hosted by KVS Foundation Finnish Adult Education Research Society and Finnish Adult Education Association FAEAParticipation, co-operation and trust increase people’s well-being both in public and in private life. What is participative, critical citizenship? How do we read the signs of social alienation in many parts of society? How do we work to create social capital? What kind of adult education approach does our today call for? The conference is for researchers, educationists, NGOs and decision makers, in working life and in families.
For more information: http://www.orivedenopisto.fi/kvs/kansanvalistusseura/llineco5.htm
